In addition to design research work, I also do communication design and knowledge translation work.

Beyond the Mean
Information Design Sam Talbot Information Design Sam Talbot

Beyond the Mean

This short motion graphic animation was inspired by the Favreau, Everett (1996) paper on the importance of inspecting the tails of a statistical distribution before making generalizations about groups. It was created using Illustrator and AfterEffects.

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Birth Bingo
Information Design Sam Talbot Information Design Sam Talbot

Birth Bingo

Informed by literature reviews, conversations with stakeholders and direct observation in hospital birthing rooms, I created the Birth Bingo Card to capture the feeling of the Cascade of Interventions, one of the key mechanisms by which over-medicalization of birth takes place. This piece of knowledge translation is meant as a conversation starter around birth politics. I used the bingo card format to convey both how the cascade feels in the moment (a seemingly random yet constant accumulation of interventions resolving climactically by the birth of the baby) and the various forms it takes (the list of potential interventions implemented).

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A Migraine Personified
Information Design Sam Talbot Information Design Sam Talbot

A Migraine Personified

Knowledge Translation is often about information, but it can also be about feelings and experiences. Inspired by the work of White & Epston (1990) on narrative therapy, I pondered: “If my migraines were a person, what kind of person would it be?” I captured the answer in this series of self-ethnography knowledge translation illustrations.

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