Beyond the Mean

This short motion graphic animation was inspired by the Favreau, Everett (1996) paper on the importance of inspecting the tails of a statistical distribution before making generalizations about groups. It was created using Illustrator and AfterEffects.

Increase statistical literacy.

People curious about basic statistical analysis and critical research comprehension.

To understand the effects of an intervention, do not only compare the means but also make sure to compare the distribution curves.

Friendly, simple, unintimidating.

To keep the explanation simple, we use one static shot of one cartesian graph throughout the animation. We also decided on a white background with a minimal colour pallet in order to keep our information calm and clear.

We relied on both voice-over and captioning to maximize comprehension.

We used a script typeface (Nothing You Could Do) reminiscent of whiteboard teaching to give the piece an overall friendly and approachable tone.

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